Water Purification Information

The Wellsys Purification system is unique

It contains a nine-times purification technology as the water passes through six filters.

  • Sediment Filter(STAGE 1) – Removes particles such as dirt, silt, rust and pipe residue

  • Pre-Carbon Filter(STAGE 2) – Removes chlorine, chemicals and pesticides

  • UF Membrane(STAGE 3) – Removes all metals, solids, arsenic, etc. RO filter size: 0.0001 micron. UF filter size: 0.01 micron

Bio-Sure Plus Filter

  • Eliminate Free-Radicals & Clumping (STAGE 4) – Special minerals are added to neutralize the damaged molecules

  • Restores and Add Minerals (STAGE 5) – more than 20 minerals are utilized that are known to improve an array of health concerns

  • Enhance Alkalinity & Balance pH (STAGE 6) – Water is enhanced with minerals to increase alkalinity and balance pH.

  • Purify & Sanitize (STAGE 7) – There are many forms of virus controlled through one of the strongest antibacterial agents.

  • TCR – Final Polishing(STAGE 8 & 9) – Final polish for fresh pure taste using a Coconut and Carbon reduction filter

  • Air Filter: To ensure the air drawn into the system is clean of airborne matter

Water issues

before filtration

Wellsys Lifts the Bar

wellsys solution

after filtration

Damaged / Unstructured

Water molecules lose electrons reducing their ability to hydrate at a cellular level. damaged molecules.

Damaged / Unstructured

Special minerals are added to neutralize the damaged molecules

Low Minerals

Low mineral water is aggressive and leaches minerals from our bodies

Low Minerals

More than 20 minerals are utilized that are known to improve health concerns

Acidic Water

During the purification process, the alkalinity is compromised resulting in low pH or acidic water.

Acidic Water

Water is enhanced with minerals to increase alkalinity and balance pH.


Water tanks can be a breeding ground for bacteria


There are many forms of virus controlled through one of the strongest antibacterial agents

Join the water movement that adds over 20 minerals