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Why you Should Never Drink Bottled Water Again

The negative health impact appears to be more with plastic bottles than with tap. A 2006 Canadian study found that plastic bottles leach chemicals into the water they contain. The researchers found that the longer the water sits inside the bottle, the higher the concentration of certain chemicals, like antimony, a metallic element that can cause dizziness, nausea and even depression.
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Bottled water is the Marketing Trick of the Century

Writing in the Daily Telegraph Dr Phil Hammond, the GP,  and columnist wonders whether we have all swallowed the “water con”. Have we, he asks, abandoned rational thought?

The answer to this question, at least in terms of the way we purchase and consume bottled water, is emphatically: yes. Consider the probability, in the US, that in the next few years bottled water will overtake carbonated soft drinks as the largest beverage category. American consumers spent US$11.8 billion on bottled water in 2012, drinking an average of 140 litres each.

Tests on major brands of bottled water have found that nearly all of them contained tiny particles of plastic

In the largest investigation of its kind, 250 bottles bought in nine different countries were examined.

Research led by journalism organisation Orb Media discovered an average of 10 plastic particles per litre, each larger than the width of a human hair.

Companies whose brands were tested told the BBC that their bottling plants were operated to the highest standards.
To read the complete article:    CLICK HERE

WHO launches health review after microplastics found in 90% of bottled water

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced a review into the potential risks of plastic in drinking water after a new analysis of some of the world’s most popular bottled water brands found that more than 90% contained tiny pieces of plastic. A previous study also found high levels of microplastics in tap water.

In one bottle of Nestlé Pure Life, concentrations were as high as 10,000 plastic pieces per litre of water. Of the 259 bottles tested, only 17 were free of plastics, according to the study.
To read the complete article:   CLICK HERE

BPA substitutes may be just as bad as the popular consumer plastic

Over the past decade, concerns about the health effects of bisphenol A (BPA) have forced food and beverage companies to largely abandon the use of the common plastic in many household items. In its place, they’ve turned to more than 50 “BPA-free” alternatives. Now, researchers report that some of these substitutes may cause the same ill effects in mice, particularly in reproductive cells. If the new results hold in further animal and human studies, they could upend efforts to mollify consumers’ health concerns over the plastics in food and beverage containers.
To read the complete article:   CLICK HERE

World Health Organization Issues Reverse Osmosis Water Warning

Just about everyone knows that Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems excel at removing water impurities, but few are aware that they also remove the beneficial minerals. In fact, the reverse osmosis process removes 92-99% of beneficial calcium and magnesium. What’s the big deal?

After analyzing hundreds of scientific studies concerning demineralized or reverse osmosis water, the World Health Organization released a report stating that such water “has a definite adverse influence on the animal and human organism.”
To read the complete article:   CLICK HERE